Hindi Bhajan

In the wide range of Hindu devotional songs and prayers, the “Shivashtakam” stands out as something special. It beautifully captures the deep devotion to Lord Shiva. This ancient Sanskrit hymn has eight verses, each one a strong prayer to Lord Shiva, who is known as the destroyer and transformer in the Hindu trinity. The Shivashtakam is more than just a prayer; it’s like a meditation that lifts the soul and helps the devotee connect with the universal consciousness and the divine presence of Lord Shiva. 

The Significance of Shivashtakam:

The Shivashtakam is a deep and meaningful hymn, created by different wise sages, including Adi Shankaracharya, who was known for his great spiritual wisdom and poetic skill. This hymn praises Lord Shiva, talking about his appearance, qualities, and the important role he plays in the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction in the universe. 

Each verse of the Shivashtakam captures the divine nature of Lord Shiva, inviting his presence into the heart of the devotee. This hymn is often chanted during special occasions, especially during ‘Maha Shivaratri’. It is believed that reciting or listening to the Shivashtakam with devotion can cleanse the mind, bring inner peace, and lead to spiritual awakening.

Shivashtakam and Its Meaning:

First Verse- 

Prabhumīśam praṇamya anādi anantam

Vibhum viśvanātham jagat-kāraṇam ca

Anekārkam śaṅkaram śrī-girīśam

Praṇamya jagadrakṣam śivam śaṅkaram ca

Meaning – 

I bow to the Supreme Lord, the infinite and eternal one, the master of the universe, the cause of all creation. He who is worshipped by many suns, the giver of blessings, the lord of Kailasa, and the protector of the world, I bow to that Shiva, the auspicious one.

Second Verse- 

Śivamekam kurute catyantam

Śivāya rudrāya namaḥ parameṣṭhin

Śivāya bhaktyā tanumannā kṣemam

Śivāya viśvebhyaḥ sadā suvaṃde

Meaning – 

I bow to Shiva, the one and only, who is always auspicious. I offer my respects to Rudra, the supreme being. With devotion, I surrender myself to Shiva for protection and constantly honor him as the protector of the universe. 

Third Verse-

Rudramindu mukuṭam varaṇyam

Nīlakaṇṭham hariṇam jagadīśam

Varadam vande devam ekam

Śivam śaṅkaram caṇḍīśvarāya

Meaning – 

I bow to Rudra, the lord of the universe, who has a blue neck and wears the crescent moon on his head. He is the giver of blessings, and I honor him, Shiva, the auspicious one, and the lord of powerful forces.

Fourth Verse- 

Namaḥ śivāya śāntāya

Karuṇāmṛta śītalāya

Sarvajñāya vibhave

Śivāya vande śaṅkarāya

Meaning – 

I bow to the peaceful Shiva, who is soothing like the nectar of compassion. I offer my respects to Shiva, who knows everything and is everywhere, and who removes all sorrow.

Fifth Verse – 

Mṛḍamekam prabhumīśam

Śivāya śāntāya namaḥ parameśam

Śivāya bhaktyā tanumannā kṣemam

Śivāya viśvebhyaḥ sadā suvaṃde

Meaning – 

I bow to Shiva, the peaceful Supreme Lord who gives happiness. With devotion, I surrender myself and seek his protection. I always honor Shiva, the one who cares for the entire universe.

Sixth Verse – 

Śivāya namaḥ parameśvarāya

Śivāya namaḥ śivatāṇḍavāya

Śivāya namaḥ śaśisomakāntāya

Śivāya namaḥ sadā śubhāya

Meaning – 

I offer my respects to Shiva, the Supreme Lord. Bow to Shiva, the lord of the cosmic dance (Tandava). I bow to Shiva, who glows with the light of the moon and is always auspicious.

Seventh Verse – 

Gaṅgādharāya gaṅgāpriye

Śivāya bhaktyā tanumannā kṣemam

Śivāya viśvebhyaḥ sadā suvaṃde

Śivāya namaḥ śivatāṇḍavāya

Meaning – 

I offer my devotion to Shiva, who holds the sacred Ganga in his hair and is dear to her. I seek protection and always honor Shiva, the eternal dancer of the Tandava.

Eighth Verse-

Śivāya śāśvatāya sadā prasannāya

Śivāya viśvebhyaḥ sadā suvaṃde

Śivāya bhaktyā tanumannā kṣemam

Śivāya namaḥ śivatāṇḍavāya

Meaning – 

I offer my respects to Shiva, the eternal one who is always calm and full of bliss. Also, give my constant devotion and seek his protection. I bow to Shiva, the eternal dancer and protector of the universe. 

Benefits of Regularly Chanting Shivashtakam:

  • Inner Peace: Regularly chanting the Shivashtakam can help calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and bring inner peace.
  • Spiritual Growth: Chanting the Shivashtakam with devotion can deepen your connection with Lord Shiva, leading to spiritual growth and awakening.
  • Mental Clarity: The rhythmic chanting of the verses can improve concentration and mental clarity, helping you focus better on your daily tasks.
  • Protection and Strength: It is believed that chanting the Shivashtakam invokes Lord Shiva’s protection, giving you strength to face challenges in life.
  • Purification of the Mind: The sacred words of the Shivashtakam can purify negative thoughts and emotions, promoting positivity and spiritual well-being.
  • Positive Energy: Regular recitation can attract positive energy, creating a harmonious atmosphere around you.
  • Emotional Balance: The peaceful vibrations of the chant can help balance emotions, bringing about a sense of calm and stability in your life.
  • Divine Blessings: Devotees believe that chanting the Shivashtakam with a pure heart can bring Lord Shiva’s blessings, leading to happiness, prosperity, and success in life.


A strong and significant hymn, the Shivashtakam contains the divine qualities, the significance of Lord Shiva in the universe, and his protecting nature. Chanting these verses with devotion can bring peace, inner strength, and spiritual growth, helping you feel closer to Lord Shiva, who represents both good fortune and the power of destruction.